How to Make Your Computer Run the OpenRCT2 Application
If you're looking for a way to make your computer run the OpenRCT2 game, you're in luck. This emulation tool supports both hardware and software video modes. OpenRCT is also fully customizable, with an array of different options. Various options can be adjusted to your preferences and needs, as well as your screen size. For example, you can change the game's window size and colour scheme to match your preferences.
In order to run OpenRCT2, you'll need at least 250 MB of free disk space. Disk space is crucial, as saved games can take up to seven MB. The game is optimized for Windows, but it can be run on Linux, Mac OS, and Android. It is recommended that you have at least 1 GB of free disk space. RAM is also important. You'll need at least 500 MB of free memory, but 2 GB is optimal. 1.5 GB may also work if you don't mind a small amount of RAM.
In order to access public servers, you need to have Network Address Translation (NAT) enabled on your router. This configuration varies depending on the brand of router, but you'll need to forward TCP connections to port 11753. Adding additional arguments to your server's configuration can alter its behaviour. If you want to play on a private server, you can use the private mode instead. You can also play on the sandbox mode.